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Writer's pictureJulia Scott

Personal Finance for Single Mamas: Befriending your fears can set you free...

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

During one of my most recent public speaking key notes on finance for women, I

knew I had the attention of the audience. As I spanned the room from right to left,

the sea of faces was fixated on mine. Inside, I said to myself, “Julia, you have

made it!”

I don’t just see these occasions as a privilege, I see them as an opportunity to

offer advice that can change, shape, and improve a woman’s financial reality.

Money is essential to ensure choices and freedom – especially when you’re single

and a mother.

I was once in a position similar to where you are now. I found myself with two

small children, an abandoned career and a hell of a lot of unknowns ahead of me.

My marriage had just broken up and I thought my life was over. A tornado of

shock and fear swirled around me. The financial and emotional burden of raising

my two children alone felt overwhelming.

Even though I was a finance professional with a business degree; certifications as

a tax agent, a financial planner, and a Chartered Accountant; during this time of

trauma, getting my own finances on track seemed impossible. I couldn’t think, I

couldn’t act, and I was frozen by the fear of making a mistake - my little family’s

financial future was now all up to me.

I know that I am not alone in this feeling of fear. It’s a common one for women

doing life on their own. Becoming a single mother though has been one of the

best things that has ever happened to me. It’s taught me resilience and

empowerment. It’s taught me self-respect, self-worth and most importantly, self-


I’m here to tell you that you will recover. I have and I’m about to share with you the

first steps to get you there too. I’ve done my research.

Newsflash: money is emotional.

Did you know that your IQ drops by almost half while you’re in stress? Yes, it’s a

fact. This is why you’re finding it so hard to make financial decisions let alone take

action… because you can’t think properly!

My research has also confirmed that when it comes to money, it’s not about what

you know, it’s about what you believe is possible for you right now. In other words,

if you’re feeling hopeless, that’s exactly the reality you’ll experience reflected back

to you – hopelessness. Even if you’re an accountant.

So, if you’re currently feeling stressed, overwhelmed and hopeless when it

comes to money, step number one is to de-stress. Meditation, journaling,

exercising and getting out in nature all helps with this. And they’re free. Get calm

and the fog will clear. Step out of the drama by reminding yourself to stop thinking

about what can go wrong and start thinking about what can go right. You’ll see

that you always have, and always will have, choices.

Step number two is to know what you want for your financial future. Assuming

all goes well and you can have whatever you want, where do you see yourself in

five year’s time? Be honest! Write from the heart, and don’t think about whether

you deserve it or what you think you “should” want. How much would you like to be

earning? Where would you like to live? What will it feel like to be living this life?

Who will you be able to help when you have this life? Believe it or not, most women

can’t answer these questions.


  • You’re allowed to ask for what you want.

  • You deserve to receive what you want.

  • You having more, does not mean someone else will have less.

  • You only get one life so you may as well go for it!

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you like to achieve? Allow yourself to go

there. Day dreaming about this activates a higher vibration in you. And a higher

vibration acts as a magnet to bring positive changes into your life. Einstein

agrees. These are the basic principles of the law of attraction; they’re science


Step number three is to look at your starting position. Where are you now? What’s your net asset and your net income position? Don’t worry, they’re only numbers and they can’t hurt you. Get honest with yourself. You’re also probably a lot better off than you think! I have plenty of tools to help you work this out with ease at

Step number four is to act. Start closing the gap between where you are now and

where you want to be. You don’t need to know all of the steps to reach your

destination, you only need to know (and take) the first one. Once you take this step, you’ll feel better about yourself plus you’ll receive more information on the

next-best-step by way of a thought, a synchronistic meeting, or an event.

All you have to do is start. It sounds simple, because it is. We humans tend to

over-complicate and dramatise things. We’re so loaded up with facts, stats,

hacks, and advice from the sea of social media, friends and family, that we have

stopped listening to our inner-self. Decide what you want, then go and get it.

When I was back in fear all those years ago, I never thought I’d make it through. I

found meditation. I started writing down what I wanted (even though it seemed

impossible). And I took action by starting a business to empower women with

money from the inside out.

Your turn. Start by asking yourself “What would the wealthy version of me do


Then take a deep breath and do it.

Julia Scott

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